Friday, 9 September 2011

Individual Topical Review Paper Outline

1.      Specific Innovation of Interest

My topic would be on Artificial Intelligence, with the focus on Singularity.
Coupled with the recent advances in technology, artificial intelligence will eventually lead to the future emergence of greater-than-human intelligence. In no time, artificial intelligence will be everywhere. Dangerous tasks will no longer be performed by us; perhaps cancer might even be a thing of the past but all of these come at a price. From my point of view, these advancements would cause revolutionary disruptions to the lives of every living being in terms of over reliance on technology and the wipeout of culture. 

Extra Info:

2.     Rationale for selecting this innovation

Comparing the world from the past and at present, development of such intelligence (e.g. machines, gadgets, etc) has resulted in a drastic change to human lives. With rapid advancement of technology and the anticipated “intelligence explosion”, it is unknown as to what the future might hold. Therefore, I am looking forward to explore the potentially large scale impacts on humans as well as the social/ethical issues of Singularity.

3.    Proposed approach to development of paper

a.       Executive Summary
The focus on Singularity and the potential impacts for the future; Evaluation on social/ethical issues

b.      Background and Introduction
What is Singularity? / Concept of Singularity

c.       Historical Perspective
History of the idea; R&D?
Issues raised

d.      Current Situation
Where we are today
Perspective of others?
Positive/ Negative impacts

e.      Future Considerations
Probability of success by researchers?
Future impacts on the world as a whole
Future of Artificial Intelligence

4.       Applications
5.       Conclusion
6.       References


  1. Jannah's Peer Review for Jovell.

    Hey dear! Nice work there!
    Interesting topic too. And yes good idea to zoom into the ethical/social implications.

    Maybe to provide a wholesome evaluation, you might want to consider economic impacts as well? How maybe investing in such artificial intelligence may be costly but if you calculate the returns or its productivity and efficiency levels compared to Man labour hours, people will definitely choose robots over humans (because we are so profit-motivated)?

    Also, you can consider zooming in on a specific field that we employ artificial intelligence? so that even your positive/negative evaluation can be more focused.

    as for references, I can help you out on how to navigate your way on SMU pyxis (databases) if you have trouble. Knowing the right things to type in the search gear will make life so so so much easier right!

    Other than that, all the best for your report! JJSWES all the way! haha :)

  2. Review by Suresh:
    The topic you have chosen is very interesting indeed. Here are my views:

    * In the current situation, you can talk about how the gaming industry is possibly the biggest implementation of AI, and how the world's learning from it to apply in other fields.

    * I personally feel that it will take an extremely long time for AI to surpass the intelligence of the human brain. There are advancements being made, but I still see this as something happening only after a 100 years. I might be wrong, but I fear that your section on the future will to too far out.

    All the best for the paper!

  3. Hello,

    You have a very interesting topic with lots available for discussion. I'm guessing the bulk of your paper would be under future considerations. I like the idea of artificial intelligence but maybe under your ethics/social considerations, maybe your could consider if we should really have AI of intelligence greater than human(in the future). would it be dangerous to have an entity that gets smarter and smarter(much much more than a human) in our world?(i'm thinking i-robot/matrix movie scenarios).

    Hope this helps:)
